How to attract audience with stage led screen

For Chinese people, the most important holidays are New Year and National Day. As the second-longest holiday of the year, the desire of Chinese people to travel during the National Day holiday is very high. So some performances are also arranged in this National Day seven days, on the one hand, to celebrate the birthday of the motherland, add festive atmosphere, on the other hand, is also to some extent to attract more audience, expand the influence. Stage led screen as the main character of the music festival performance stage laying, in all aspects to help the smooth implementation of the performance.

Technology upgrade, high requirements, is the beginning of the breakthrough for stage led screen

stage led screen

From the stage performance choreography design changes in recent years, the proportion of LED panels for stage performance is gradually increasing, the past stage choreography rely on lighting and stage layout to show the performance atmosphere, led wall rental in the performance industry is accompanied by a breakthrough in LED display technology. More lightweight and easy to install materials, more delicate and high brush image quality, can be used multiple times to set up, cost reduction and in recent years, shaped screen in the stage choreography set up the strong plasticity, are later screen rental to open up the performance market, of course, this is also inseparable from the audience's high demand for performances.

stage led screen

The winning strategy is to get closer and get attention

Chengdu Luodai Ancient Town, which has just been awarded as a famous tourist town in Tianfu, ushered in the National Day holiday. To meet this wave of tourists, Luodai Ancient Town launched a series of interesting and fun tourism activities during the National Day holiday, and held a grand cactus music festival in the Azure Flower Scenic Area. The stage atmosphere was created in addition to the dazzling lights on site, there was also the eye-catching LED wall rental on the stage. Two open-air stages built on the lawn, five large LED video wall rental, two set up as the stage background, with the stage performance to switch the background, three in front of the stage, a large projection screen to the scene of all the audience to present the exciting performance on stage. The performance to the climax of the atmosphere, the big screen will be the audience's actions on the big led panels for stage, to achieve the ultimate interaction with the audience, fully mobilize the audience's emotions. In the previous stage performance, many times is dependent on the stage performer control, more often than not is the stage unilateral output information, how to enhance the majority of audience participation has become a core focus of the performance design. Stage led screen in this regard is the advantage of its combination of people on stage and people on stage, showing that the stage of the festival is not only the performance on stage, but also the off-stage audience's devotion input. This is actually the same meaning as the kissing game in the NBA game, when the crowd in the big led wall rental appeared in the figure of their own offstage, that moment, the distance between the stage and offstage is wirelessly close.

led screen for rental

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