Small pixel led display are getting recognized more

Small pixel led display are becoming getting recognized more



The current large-screen display market, the hot concept of small pixel LED display is unquestionable. Thanks to the rapid development of technology, many LED manufacturers even proposed that "it will form a certain degree of substitution in the traditional product market in some areas", and the word refers to the inherent market of LCD splicing and DLP splicing. For industry users, only a full understanding of technology can make the best trade-offs, and small-pitch LEDs are no exception.


   What is a small pixel LED display?

   The so-called small-pitch LED display refers to the indoor LED display with LED dot spacing below P2.5, mainly including LED display products such as P2.5, P2.0, P1.8, P1.5. Strictly speaking, the small pitch LED display is a collective term for a complete set of systems, including LED display systems, high-definition display control systems, and cooling systems. Compared with traditional LED displays, the most notable feature of small-pitch narrow pixel LED display products is the increase in resolution.

   Technically speaking, the fine pitch LED screen display adopts the pixel-level point control technology to realize the state control of the brightness, color reproduction and uniformity of the pixel unit of the display screen and adopts automatic in the production process of the display screen. Reflow soldering process without manual post soldering.

Small pixel led display are becoming getting recognized moreSmall pixel led display are becoming getting recognized moreSmall pixel led display are becoming getting recognized moreSmall pixel led display are becoming getting recognized more

   PK traditional large-screen display products, the unique advantages of small-pitch LED display

   Compared with the traditional large-screen display products (liquid crystal splicing, DLP splicing), the outstanding advantage of the small-pitch narrow pitch LED screen display is the complete seamless display and the natural reality of the display color. For the moment, the small-pitch LED display can achieve 1920*1080 (2K) or even 4032*2160 (4K) in indoor large-area display applications, which can meet the needs of high-end display applications.

   More importantly, the small-pitch LED display is easy to maintain, has a mature point-by-point correction technology, and can be used for a one-time correction of the whole screen using the display for more than one or two years. The operation process is simple and the effect is good. .

   Small-pitch LED display applications - targeting indoor applications

   Due to the excessive dot pitch and the lack of fineness of the screen display, the traditional LED display has been rejected by indoor applications. Nowadays, the rise of small-pitch LED display technology has greatly improved the display effect of the screen, and the LED display has re-established the confidence to enter indoor applications. Since 2012, high-definition LED displays with a pitch of less than 2.5mm have been used frequently in indoor display applications. In high-end indoor applications such as control rooms, monitoring rooms, and large conference centers, it has replaced some LCD splicing screens and DLPs. multi-screen.

   In order to meet the diversified application requirements of the market to the greatest extent, small-pitch LEDs have been actively integrated with trending elements such as 4K and naked-eye 3D. According to industry analysts, in the future, small pixel LED display products will be used in indoor public markets. The application will become more and more frequent, especially with its outstanding color and seamless advantages, it will be favored by the relevant fields of product form display, such as automotive exhibition display applications.

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