Small pitch led screen takes market share of AV market

Small pitch led screen takes market share of AV market


Small pitch LED screen is coming again, stepping into the traditional AV large screen manufacturers' conventional sphere of influence, fighting for food and clothing. Looking at this once rough guy, who is now so delicate and elegant, AV manufacturers are at a loss. Are they welcome, introduce, or refuse, compromise? In 2010, fine pitch led screen once saved the life of DLP wall splicing, and successfully blocked the coming of LCD wall splicing with LED light source, which can be said to be a boon. But this time, it seems that we are not here to cooperate, but to snatch the territory naked. And although it's called led, it's obviously not the same. Last time we cooperated happily, LED light source, this time led display. HD LED screen display screen is the leader in outdoor display, occupying an absolute dominant position. Later, it gradually infiltrated into the room, used in auditorium, exhibition, hotel, subway and other occasions requiring large-scale picture publicity and display. Now it is covetously entering command and control, security monitoring, radio and television and other places with high requirements, fine display and complex signal. AV large screen manufacturers Can we live in a place where AV manufacturers are not nervous?

Competition leads

Small pitch led screen takes market share of AV market

Thanks to the rapid economic growth and the rapid expansion of urbanization construction in the past few years, narrow pitch led screen LED display screens also maintain a strong momentum of development, and LED manufacturers are still living well. But as the economy slows down and exports decrease, the market space becomes crowded. The main tone of the market is the decline of orders and the continuous decline of prices. Many manufacturers' expanding production lines are often in the situation of unsaturation and intermittently stopping production when the economy is booming. The disordered competition of many led enterprises aggravates the deterioration of the situation. Many enterprises are forced to shut down and turn around. Everyone is suffering in the "Red Sea". The competition of a conventional display screen has reached a hot point.

Small pitch led screen takes market share of AV market
In such a market environment, LED display manufacturers are beginning to find their own positioning, in-depth market segmentation. Some enterprises hope to enter into some market fields with high threshold by means of technological innovation. For example, seeing all kinds of shortcomings of DLP in the application of high-end indoor display market, LianJian, Zhouming, Riad, etc. will increase the technological research and development of LED small spacing display screen, and seize the traditional LCD, DLP and other splicing screen market.

Although the competition in this field is also very fierce, compared with the LED market, it is still relatively mild, and more importantly, this field still maintains a certain profit margin, so it is not surprising that the "blue ocean" as a breakthrough and key development is also a breakthrough. Of course, the "cross-border" behavior is bound to move the "cake" of AV display manufacturers, and the prelude of a competition between LED and large screen manufacturers is also opened.

Small pitch led screen takes market share of AV market
How can he call AV

LED display is a mature product, which has been developed for more than 20 years. It is widely used in large-scale advertisements, stage performances, exhibitions, sports events, hotel lobbies, etc. LED has the advantages of large display area, high brightness, bright color, easy assembly, high utilization rate of building space and low maintenance cost. However, the main reason for the failure to enter the mainstream application of indoor medium and high-end before is the large pixel spacing of LED display and the strong granular sense of close viewing picture.

Small pitch led screen takes market share of AV market
In recent years, with the development of technology, semiconductor manufacturing technology is becoming more and more mature, LED display point spacing is becoming smaller and smaller, the resolution is becoming higher and higher. P4 full-color screens appeared in the market in 2011, P3 and p2.5led screens entered the market in 2012, small space LED screens were completely released in 2013, p2.0, p1.8, P1.5, P1.4 and other new products emerged in an endless stream, P1.2, P1.0 and other products with smaller space were also developed and produced, and the resolution, brush rate and grayscale were greatly improved.

Nowadays, the products below p2.5 are collectively referred to as small spacing LED display in the market. Its biggest advantage lies in the seamless display screen and the natural reality of the display color. Splicing gap is an important factor affecting the visual experience. At that time, due to the physical characteristics of the mainstream indoor DLP splicing and LCD splicing, there was more or less splicing. The development of technology can only make the splicing narrow, but can not make it disappear. Although projection splicing is physically seamless, there is a fusion zone, which tests the technical strength of the manufacturer, and it needs to be adjusted regularly to ensure the effect of integration.

With the characteristics of seamless splicing, LED display screen has great plasticity in splicing. Good color performance is due to the fact that the color gamut of LED is wider than that of DLP and LCD image signals, which can reproduce more colors and reflect the authenticity of objects more accurately. In terms of space utilization, the screen thickness of the current indoor small spacing LED can be 10-15cm. After pre maintenance, it can completely stand against the wall.

In addition, in terms of color consistency, led performance is better than DLP splicing. DLP splicing is composed of multiple units, and there are differences between each unit. The consistency of color and brightness of the whole screen is the most difficult place for DLP splicing to control. After one adjustment, the difference will change with the increase of use time, and it needs to be corrected once in a period of time. The effect of small spacing LED is good inconsistency. The mature point by point correction technology makes its adjustment process simple and maintenance convenient.

From the above we can see that the small pitch led screen spacing led really has the hard strength, has the possibility to impact the existing competition pattern and enter the middle and high-end applications.

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