Outdoor fixed led billboard how to operate well in winter

Outdoor fixed led billboard how to operate well in winter 



In the cold winter season, factors such as low temperature, rain and snow may affect the normal use of the outdoor fixed led billboard LED display. In addition, if it is not operated properly, it will affect the life of the LED display. I have sorted out some precautions and hope to help our customers and friends.

First, switch LED electronic display notes:

1, the switch sequence:

When opening the screen: first turn on the screen, then turn on the screen

When closing the screen: first turn off the screen, then turn off the screen

(The computer does not turn off the display first, it will cause the screen to appear bright spots, led to burn the lamp, the consequences are serious.)

2. The interval between switch screens should be greater than 5 minutes.

3. After the computer enters the engineering control software, it can be powered on.

4. Avoid opening the screen in the full white screen state because the system has the largest inrush current.

5. Avoid opening the outdoor fixed led video wall screen in an out of control state because the system has the largest inrush current.

A computer does not enter the control software and other programs;

B computer is not powered;

The C control section power is not turned on.

6. When the ambient temperature is too high or the heat dissipation conditions are not good, the LED lighting should be careful not to open the screen for a long time.

7. When a line of the display body is very bright, you should pay attention to closing the screen in time. In this state, it is not suitable to open the outdoor fixed led display screen for a long time.

8. The power switch of the display often trips. Check the outdoor fixed led screen or replace the power switch.

9. Regularly check the firmness of the hook. If there is looseness, pay attention to timely adjustment, re-reinforce or update the hanger.

10. According to the environment of the large screen display screen and control part, avoid insect bites, and place anti-rat medicine if necessary.

Outdoor fixed led billboard how to operate well in winter Outdoor fixed led billboard how to operate well in winter Outdoor fixed led billboard how to operate well in winter

Second, the control part of the changes, changes in matters needing attention

1. The power cord of the computer and control part is zero and the fire cannot be reversed. It should be inserted strictly according to the original position. If there are peripherals, after the connection is completed, the chassis should be tested for power.

2. When controlling the equipment such as mobile computing, first check the connection line and the control board for looseness before power-on.

3. The position and length of the communication line and flat connection line cannot be changed at will.

4. If abnormalities such as short circuit, tripping, burning line, and smoke are found after moving, the power should not be tested repeatedly. The problem should be found in time.

Third, the software operation and use precautions 

1, software backup: WIN7, WINXP, applications, software installation procedures, databases, etc., it is recommended to use "one-click restore" software, easy to operate.

2, proficient in installation methods, raw data recovery, backup.

3. Master the setting of control parameters and the modification of basic data presets.

4. Skilled in using programs, operations and editing.

5, regular inspection, delete irrelevant data of outdoor fixed led billboard

6. For non-professional personnel, do not operate the software system.

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