Outdoor fixed led video wall what's the biggest one?

Outdoor fixed led video wall what's the biggest one?



Where is the world's largest outdoor fixed LED video wall display? It has always been a topic of concern in the industry. LED display is an industry that has only emerged in recent years. The LED display at the beginning was mainly based on luminous characters, and later developed into images, and then developed into multimedia, and the screen is getting bigger and bigger, so many people are the biggest. The LED display has a lot of curiosity.

However, the price of LED displays is much higher than the price of home TVs, so there are very few civilian uses, which are basically commercial. Urban construction is an important opportunity for LED development. Therefore, if you want to find a display, you should go to the big city to find it. Below we will list a few famous LED displays at home and abroad.

First, Beijing Water Cube

This is currently the world's largest LED display building, with a total area of 12,000 square meters. It should be deserved in the first place. This work has attracted worldwide attention! 


Outdoor fixed led video wall what's the biggest one?



Second, Zhuhai Huafa Shangdu Canopy

Zhuhai Huafa Shangdu has a total length of 340 meters, a maximum width of 55 meters, a net height of about 20 meters, and a total display area of 8,000 square meters. Huafa canopy is the industry's first founder LED screen cutting distribution design, each leaf shape is cut into different triangular LED screens with a fish-shaped vertical body symmetric distribution. The water cube is made of the same material film, which realizes the light-transmissive function, without affecting the natural lighting of the commercial street, and avoids the space pressure generated when the conventional LED screen does not emit light. This project was built by Lixiang Huike, the company is The creative display field stands out.


Outdoor fixed led video wall what's the biggest one?



Third, Guangzhou Haixinsha sail LED display

The important design of the opening and closing ceremonies of the 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games is the most representative work of the world's mobile LED display. It is the highest technology combined with high-tech full control, with a total area of 8,000 square meters. 


Outdoor fixed led video wall what's the biggest one?



Fourth, Las Vegas Sky Street

The most luxurious city in the world, the world's most prestigious city, the nightlife of the casino, the nightlife of the night is the most fascinating scenery of this city. Tianmu Street is 400 meters long and covers an area of over 6,000 square meters. It is the most prosperous area in the local night. This sky was originally a neon light, and it was replaced by LEDs a few years later. The outdoor fixed led display was far less effective than the domestic sky.

Outdoor fixed led video wall what's the biggest one?



Fifth, Suzhou Times Square LED canopy

The outdoor fixed led screen LED sky canopy of Suzhou Times Square is about 500 meters long, 32 meters wide and 21 meters high. The 500-meter length of the LED Sky Canopy in Suzhou Times Square exceeds 400 meters in the Las Vegas canopy, making it the longest sky in the world. 

Outdoor fixed led video wall what's the biggest one?



6. Chengdu Global Center Ocean Park

This is the latest project of indoor LED display, covering an area of 4,080 square meters. It is the king of indoor full-color LED display in the world.


Outdoor fixed led video wall what's the biggest one?


Seven, New York Times Square

As a global financial center, Times Square's commercial atmosphere is particularly strong. This outdoor fixed led billboard LED display with the building as a carrier is a very unique landscape in New York.

Outdoor fixed led video wall what's the biggest one?


Of course, the records of outdoor fixed led video wall need to be refreshed. I believe there should be a lot of works that have not been announced or are already in the building, but as the most frequently seen landscapes in the media, both the area and the design are very shocking.

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