Irregular led screen creates unlimited view for media

Irregular led screen creates unlimited view for media


In urban life, we can often see a variety of irregular LED screens: grating screen, flexible screen, bar screen, transparent screen, naked-eye 3D display screen, irregular LED display special-shaped display screen (spherical LED screen, arc-shaped LED screen, rhombic LED screen, cylindrical LED screen), etc., in addition to the unique shape, digital, virtual reality and other innovations. The application of technology makes the creative LED display application become a big "eye-catching" tool in the display market.

"In the future LED commercial display market, conventional LED display will gradually be replaced by creative personalized irregular LED video wall display application products..." That's what industry insiders have said for years. In recent years, the creative use of irregular LED display screens by screen companies in the industry has improved a lot both in quality and quantity.


Irregular led screen creates unlimited view for media


Irregular led screen creates unlimited view for media


Irregular led screen creates unlimited view for media


Irregular led screen creates unlimited view for media


Irregular led screen creates unlimited view for media


Irregular led screen creates unlimited view for media


Irregular led screen creates unlimited view for media


Irregular led screen creates unlimited view for media


Irregular led screen creates unlimited view for media


Irregular led screen creates unlimited view for media


With the support of advanced and stable broadcasting and control technology and monitoring technology, LED display is breaking away from the conventional outdoor single media application function, augmented reality technology, multi-screen interaction technology, expression recognition technology, and human-screen interaction technology to close the distance between the large LED screen and the audience, so that outdoor advertising can really approach the audience.

LED Video Wall Creates Surreal Office Environment

Irregular led screen creates unlimited view for media


Irregular led screen creates unlimited view for media



In the hall of SalesForce Building in San Francisco, the creative team transformed the ice-cold building wall into a surreal magic environment with a 107-foot LED video wall. It gave the office workers passing through the wall a sense of entering a fascinating surreal environment.

The interactive technology of LED big screen lets advertisement enter your heart!

Irregular led screen creates unlimited view for media


Irregular led screen creates unlimited view for media


Irregular led screen creates unlimited view for media


Irregular led screen creates unlimited view for media



Ogilvy's Looking ForYou campaign for British animal shelters uses brochures with special chips that interact with nearby LED advertising screens to enable people to interact with puppies in LED advertising machines. Shelter director Carly Whyborn said: The advertisement was successful with innovative technology. It hit the heartstrings of dog lovers.

Watching Bird's Nest Attraction on LED Water Curtain Screen

The Bird's Nest Attraction, as a large-scale original audiovisual staging show lasting four years, has been receiving countless wonderful applause with its exquisite stage effect and exquisite acting skills. In the fifth season of "Bird's Nest Attraction" in 2016, its dancing beauty became more perfect. Bare-eyed 3D LED display technology, take you personally experience love and hatred between the three circles, extremely attractive!


At present, LED creative display has become one of the most important ways for future cities to show their culture and personality. In addition to urban light carving, environmental art, architectural appearance, interior decoration, and other places, there will be more and better creative LED display applications in the future. Therefore, LED screen enterprises to need to constantly improve their creative LED display technology, not only need to have the core technology of irregular LED screen display but also need to enrich art modeling, structural mechanics technology, and experience.

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