Outdoor fixed led billboard outdoor media in big data era

Outdoor fixed led billboard outdoor media in big data era


All the media are introducing the arrival of the era of big data, so what specific figures to measure? A survey by IBM shows that human society creates 2.5 trillion bytes of data every day , and the number is still rising like a rocket.

How will these data affect our daily life? Digital devices and digital information hide tremendous energy. They are confident in transforming the real world and changing our daily lives: smart grids, smart meters, thermostats will effectively reduce our indoor spending; urban public systems through the adoption of real-time monitoring systems and access to social networks; and Changing routes, optimizing traffic light time scientifically and sending information to passengers in time; relevant medical and health institutions can obtain the latest information about influenza outbreaks and give warnings to protect our lives by monitoring search trends such as Google. All these actions are only the most superficial exploration of digital information and digital society in human society.

Outdoor fixed led billboard outdoor media in big data era

Of course, the most widely used industry of big data is marketing and advertising. In marketing planning, marketers first need to call data from various fields: search platform, online cookie, customer stay time in stores, payment means, personal preferences, etc. Through these to analyze consumer behavior, although seemingly complex, but in fact a series of actions completed in an instant. Developed networks make it possible for real-time offline portraits and timely feedback after products are purchased. Every product is eager to get your data, even a humble comb at home.

For outdoor fixed led billboard advertising, the era of big data has just begun, and the industry will be deeply affected for a long time to come.

Big data has changed the way brands and all-media marketing work. The first step of big data intrusion online has now become a natural part of the entire online ecological environment, which has been known in the era of PC-led. But with the popularity of mobile devices (79% of Americans own smartphones, and various kinds of smart devices emerge in an endless stream), the source of big data has slowly shifted from online PC to mobile. Because of the use of mobile devices in most offline situations, data has also experienced a shift from online to offline. As a representative of offline scenes, big data has an impact on outdoor fixed led display media in at least the following aspects:

1 Deployment of outdoor fixed led sign advertising

With the development of intelligent devices, the resources of big data also show exponential growth. In fact, data is like running water. Looking at a single piece of data is not very valuable, but when data gathers into streams and oceans, it can provide an inestimable impact on the outdoor industry. For example, before designing outdoor advertisements, relevant workers can throw away extensive demographic statistics and read real-time, geographically generated data, because these data are not only the reflection of current passers-by behavior but also their hobbies and travel preferences have been accurately matched in the ocean of large data.

Many enterprises have tried outdoor fixed led screen marketing based on the geographical fence for a long time, but with the continuous enrichment of data and the further precision of positioning, outdoor advertising can provide customized experience services for passing audiences, while achieving higher satisfaction, it also makes the investment of advertisers more valuable.

2 Smartphones connect outdoor media with data

Outdoor fixed led billboard outdoor media in big data era

As outdoor advertising begins to integrate into the data family, we will find that outdoor advertising platform becomes more magnificent: the industry will become a reliable partner in mobile marketing and social marketing, and outdoor media will not only exist as isolated individuals offline but also be the first factor to be considered in the formulation of multi-media marketing.

According to the survey, the audience spends 70% of their time outdoors using mobile phones (Criteo Mobile Report, the fourth quarter of 2014), which means that the industry can boldly advise users to connect directly with outdoor media. Mobile data and outdoor advertising is not a one-way relationship. While these data help outdoor advertising, as more and more audiences participate, outdoor advertising can also be nurtured back.

Another study showed that if the brand had ever been advertised offline when it appeared on mobile devices, the audience's willingness to click on it would increase by 48% (NeuroInsight: Beyond OOOH, 2015). Outdoor advertising and mobile phone industry go hand in hand. With the further enrichment of the Internet of Things equipment family, the connection between digital media and audiences is bound to be closer. This relationship is also the expectation of consumers for outdoor media in the new era. At present, consumers are not only satisfied with wandering online in Shanghai, but also not satisfied with simply sitting in the offline scene. Seamless linking of the two is the hope of consumers and the trend of the times. At present, outdoor advertisements can reach online with the help of iBeacon, RFID and other technologies. In the future, similar technologies will become more and more abundant.

3 Digital outdoor media become the main beneficiaries

Outdoor fixed led billboard outdoor media in big data era

Digital outdoor fixed led billboard screen is still growing rapidly. If the growth momentum continues, we expect that more than 80% of outdoor media will be digitized by 2022. Compared with traditional outdoor media, digital outdoor media can capture more value in the era of big data.

Because the media is digital, advertisers can connect ports to get audience information and update letters for participating audiences in a timely manner.

Outdoor fixed led billboard outdoor media in big data era

Outdoor fixed led billboard outdoor media in big data era

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