Indoor rental led display create great stage for auto show

Indoor rental led display create great stage for auto show


The biennial Shanghai Auto Show has begun again. Compared with the past, some pavilions have begun to show a cool state without the support of models, but this situation has been effectively avoided in the No. 1 Pavilion of SAIC Group because they have a new secret weapon - dynamic creative display. This display program, which is made by Birds and Ten by Ten, has a popularity no less than that of international supermodels. It is colorful and material and has successfully helped the Shanghai Automobile Exhibition Hall circle of millions of fans.


indoor rental led display


We all yearn for popularity, public numbers yearn for fans'attention, anchors yearn for crowds to watch, and stores yearn for customers to come. Car companies are no exception. As one of the top 4A auto exhibitions in the world, Shanghai auto exhibition has become an important time for auto companies to compete for success. Every enterprise is eager to become the best popular booth, and the appearance of the pavilion determines whether visitors will step out the first step into the booth.

As the color benchmark of the Shanghai Automobile Exhibition Hall, the Bird Creative Display Scheme adopts a double-sided heart-shaped dynamic design, consisting of 94 irregular display screens. The super-large indoor rental led display screen display and unique appearance makes the whole exhibition hall immersed in science and technology and dream, bringing a thunderous visual experience for visitors.

Indoor rental led display create great stage for auto show



The beautiful appearance can never be separated from the technical treatment behind it.

94 screens

Nine different specifications

Various screen displaying ratios

Different models and manufacturers

Now they need to display the picture synchronously.

Continuous High Strength Display for 10 Days

In order to achieve this effect, 26 birdie creative splicers are cascaded in the scheme, and 94 screens are displayed synchronously through the loop-in and loop-out of the signal. With an H-series splicing processor, direct access to the 8K signal makes the scene more vivid and attractive, bringing a visual effect comparable to the level of Hollywood.

Manipulation | 4 minutes of software operation

The new generation of professional audio-visual equipment should be more intelligent and understand you.

For example, when a user buys a TV, he doesn't need to know the HDR technology behind the indoor led screen rental display screen. He only cares about whether the picture is clear and natural, and whether the sound can shake his ears. The same is true of Bird's creative display scheme. The complex processing of 94 screens is completely integrated into a small box. In daily use, users only need to operate a simple software "remote control". Simple 5 steps, zero basic personnel can master in 4 minutes.

Indoor rental led display create great stage for auto show


More Choices | There is no uniform standard for creativity

What exactly does a creative presentation look like? Rhombic, pentagonal and windmill shapes are not clearly defined. And the double-sided heart-shaped indoor rental led screen of the Shanghai auto show shows us a new form of large-screen indoor rental led video wall creative splicing. Whether its appearance design or display scale, it makes creative splicing leap to a new height.


Indoor rental led display create great stage for auto show


    In the future, there is still no uniform standard in this field. More fantastic ideas will make a large indoor rental led display screen display more diversified and colorful. The only thing we can be sure of is that you are free, you are free, and Bird Creative Stitcher can help you achieve.

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