LED light pole screen contribute to the smart city building

LED light pole screen contribute to the smart city building


Thanks to the construction of smart traffic, the smart street lamp replacement tide is rising in many cities in China, and the smart street lamp Market in China is ushering in a new driving force for development. According to statistics from relevant institutions, the market scale of LED light pole screen in China continued to grow rapidly in 2017, reaching 11.9 billion yuan, an increase of 26% over the same period last year. It is estimated that the domestic LED light pole display street lamp market will reach 14.2 billion yuan in 2018.

In this general trend, people began to think further, in addition to the function of providing lighting as always, the scattered city street lights make use of their own characteristics and advantages, what more can be done? And in the LED display industry is reflected in: LED light pole video display screen is becoming a trend.

LED light pole video screen one by one intelligent city construction "platoon leader"

LED light pole screen contribute to the smart city buildingLED light pole screen contribute to the smart city buildingLED light pole screen contribute to the smart city buildingLED light pole screen contribute to the smart city buildingLED light pole screen contribute to the smart city building
With the development of intelligent city, the street lamp pole of intelligent LED display screen is a new intelligent information platform, which is based on a street lamp and integrates WiFi Internet technology, Internet of Things technology and even interactive sensing technology. At present, it mainly includes intelligent street lamp integrated management center, intelligent lighting management system, video surveillance system, WiFi coverage system, intelligent sensing, and publishing. System, emergency alarm system, charging pile system and other applications.


Undoubtedly, as a new form of digital signage, intelligent LED pole screen, with its outdoor natural advantages, can play a role including remote interactive video, face recognition, weather monitoring, remote cluster control and other functions. With the development of intelligent LED display technology, it can bring audiences excellent outdoor high-brightness and high-definition visual experience.

On the other hand, the installation of intelligent LED lamp pole screen is much more convenient than the conventional display screen. It only needs the assistance of the street lamp pole, and does not need too much manpower investment. In addition, the intelligent LED lamp pole screen has the characteristics of synchronous reception and synchronous broadcast. Therefore, it has natural advantages in road guidance, real-time broadcast of road conditions, information dissemination, advertising dissemination, and other aspects. Later maintenance is also ten. It's simple. With the gradual popularization of the Internet of Things, it is believed that LED lamp pole screen, as an important component of the intelligent street lamp, is an indispensable part of the future construction of intelligent city.

Guidelines for Screen Enterprises to Attack Intelligent LED Light Pole Screen Market

Nowadays, intelligent LED lamp pole screen has been applied in some cities, and more and more screen enterprises in the industry have begun to open the market of intelligent lamp pole screen. The products which are lighter, more energy-saving, more intelligent, more beautiful and more advantageous in market development have become the market plan of many LED screen enterprises. This trend intensifies the market competition and promotes the products of an intelligent lamp pole screen. 

However, it is worth noting that although the market potential of LED lamp pole screen is infinite at present, there are also many "considerations" for screen enterprises that want to share the market of smart lamp pole screen. For example, this outdoor public environment needs to pay more attention to product quality to ensure public safety, avoid homogeneous competition, low-cost competition and other vicious phenomena, and for the industry, as soon as possible to form a unified standard of lamp-pole screen manufacturing, guiding the development order of this new application market, is also essential.

New technologies such as 3D and VR under the leadership of a smart city are constantly integrated with LED light pole screen display screen, which provides strong technical support for the development of LED display screen. It enables LED display products to be used in more scenes, realizes more possible display effects, provides more comprehensive, accurate and efficient visual presentation effect for smart city, and further helps to build a smart city. 

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