Small pitch led screen a creative solution for control room

Small pitch led screen a creative solution for control room


With the accelerated development of digitalization and information society, the visual market of the control room in the field of large-screen engineering is becoming a “universal application”. Faced with the growth of the control room market and the increase of the application level, the small pitch LED screen display products have increasingly played the role of “main force” and become the main extractor of the market increment.

Control room market, the perfect match for small pitch LED

Small pitch led screen an creative solution for control room
In the control room market, the biggest demand for display systems is "reliability." High reliability is a major feature of LED display.

From the basic technology, whether it is LCD splicing wall or DLP rear projection splicing wall, it is inseparable from the "famous LED" technology. Because LED, as the core solution of the semiconductor light source market, occupies the position of “absolute main” light source in the rear projection DLP and LCD splicing unit market. In other words, if the reliability of the semiconductor technology of LED is problematic, the large-screen system (DLP light source and liquid crystal backlight) using an LED light source will face a "crisis".

Small-pitch LED screen to establish a multi-level control room visual supply system

Small pitch led screen an creative solution for control room
From the perspective of system technology implementation, the LED large-screen system adopts the "small unit" splicing method, and its terminal large screen naturally has the characteristics of "high unit redundancy" and "small unit failure impact". As a control room large-screen system, not only to achieve high reliability, especially to ensure the "availability" of the overall large-screen system in part of system failure. In this respect, the small unit splicing system of the LED large screen has obvious advantages.

From the perspective of common faults, the core problem of small-pitch LED screens lies in "point defects." This aspect is indeed not as high as the "reliability" of LCD splicing and DLP rear-projection units. However, point defects have a relatively small impact on the usability of the entire large screen - small pitch LEDs show point defects that are less affected than DLP rear projection stitching or liquid crystal splicing unit pixel defects. Many times, point defects are more similar to the effects of aesthetics. And with the improvement of small-pitch LED display technology, the point defect rate is also greatly reduced.

Therefore, it can be said that after the LED display is small pitched, it is applied to the high-end control room market such as the command and dispatch center, and it has sufficient reliable quality guarantee. At the same time, the small pitch LED display has its own unique advantages.

Small pitch led screen an creative solution for control room
For example, in terms of brightness, the LED display system can provide a continuous output of up to 1000 lumens or more. This value is much higher than the conventional large screen display wall. At the same time, the advantage of the small-pitch LED system in viewing angle is that rear projection and LCD splicing are difficult to match. The high brightness and large viewing angle determine that the LED display system can ensure more visual position and full screen viewing in large display projects.

For example, from the actual implementation of the project, the small-pitch LED screen can achieve a highly curved and free-angle display surface design - a smaller unit size, unlike the liquid crystal and rear-projection splicing large-sized units to form a "stitched hard corner" . This is an "excellent feature" for designing curved or ring-shaped control room display systems.

In short, the advantages of technology and experience, let the rise of the small-pitch LED display system in just 5 years, has become the choice of the control room market is almost half: the customer's eyes are sharp, the actual effect of the application is better than any text description.

Build a three-dimensional supply level to meet differentiated needs

“The overall market is half the size of the market and 80% of the incremental market”. The small-pitch LED display system has become the first choice in the control room market with such impressive results. This is not only the advantage of the small-pitch LED in the basic technology, but also the small-pitch LED display. Different customers offer highly differentiated products.

On the one hand, the control room market is becoming a hierarchical multi-level market. For example, the smart command center of the central city and the command center of the public security bureau system of a district and county must have differences in terms of “purchasing level, budget level, application value, and business scale”. These differences make it impossible to select a visual display system that “every customer is pursuing a very high-end product”. With the construction of a smart society, even rural and townships will enter the era of informational big data. From the national level to the rural level, from multinational giants to ordinary smart factories, from integrated data and control centers to sub-centers of individual business units, the future control room market must be diverse and multi-level.

On the other hand, traditional DLP splicing and LCD splicing products lack a "differentiated" product choice. As the core technical index of the large-screen splicing project, the “gap” technology is the “key technical content” of the display splicing unit. From the customer's point of view, the 2 mm gap is “larger”; the “1 mm” gap from the product supply perspective means the minimum of optical and visual effects. This makes DLP and liquid crystal cells that meet the display requirements of the control room splicing wall, which is "very high-end" small gap products, and the market positioning must be single.

How to resolve the contradictions in the above two aspects? Small pitch LED products are an ideal choice. From a gap perspective, the small pitch LED screen is a "true seamless" display system. At the same time, it can provide different grades of products with significant cost differences from 0.9 to 2.0 points to meet the purchase needs of customers in different control rooms.

Especially in recent years, with the advancement of technology, small-pitch LED display large screen is no longer a title of “a technology”: COB technology, MINI-LED technology, traditional surface-mounting technology, four-in-one MINI-LED lamp bead technology, etc. Provides a choice of "gradient" technology in terms of visual effects, reliability, and cost. Even with small pitch LED screens with P1.2 spacing, the most suitable basic products can be selected according to the difference between the customer's ability to withstand and the actual use-value.

The low-pitch LED screen product is much richer than the traditional DLP rear-projection splicing and LCD splicing wall products, which makes the small-pitch LED display the key to quickly occupy many application segments. Providing customized solutions for different customers and needs, which are technically different, more performance-oriented, and affordable, has become one of the key directions for the development of small-pitch LED products. This is also the supply side reason for the matching of the small-pitch LED screen system with the future multi-level, multi-level control room large-screen market.

Small-pitch LED technology is in the ascendant, with unlimited future potential

"From the perspective of market input, small-pitch LED is the real white horse in the big screen industry." Industry experts believe that the continuous advancement of market-driven technological advancement is the continuous development of small-pitch LED products and compete for the real weapon of the control room market.

Around 2014, small-pitch LED products began to enter the market on a large scale; in 2016, COB product innovation appeared and became a high-end market representative; in 2018, mini-led products entered the market, and the supply of industry increased further... fine pixel LED display screen expanded in size At the same time as the cost is reduced, there is a big technological revolution almost every two years: this is the speed of development that other display technology categories do not have.

Focusing on continuous product innovation, fine pitch LED screen continue to upgrade in terms of reliability, pitch index, color and brightness, and pitch density, and continue to have room for “Great Revolution” in at least three aspects: First, in LED basic technology Including substrate material conversion from sapphire to silicon carbide, luminescent material upgrade to perovskite material, etc., eager to further enhance the electro-optical performance of LED products; second, miniaturization and miniaturization of LED crystal particles during the packaging stage, using COB and Flip-chip technology, application of more emerging packaging materials and optical design, LED display pixel size and optical effect eager to continue to improve; Third, in the terminal products, LED display manufacturing process precision is the cause of its point defects, It is also a huge difference between LED display and LCD and DLP display. By optimizing the finished product materials and processes, adopting more automation technology and dust-free manufacturing methods, the process efficiency and technical characteristics of narrow pitch LED screen display terminal products still have room for upgrading. .

It can be said that the small pitch LED screen display is the "most important technology today" in the control room market, and it is also "the biggest technology to expand the innovation space." The former embodies the shared advantage of the small-pitch LED in the control room market, while the latter determines that the competitiveness of small-pitch LED products in the market will inevitably escalate in the future, and the continuous growth of high-end applications in the control room is “very promising”.

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