Outdoor Fixed LED billboard mix with various media type

Outdoor Fixed LED billboard mix with the various media type


The times have changed and we have moved to the stars. We are welcoming a new era - the 5G era: artificial intelligence, the interconnection of everything, all things are media, the industrial revolution..... This has changed the society for all walks of life, "a hundred years has not changed greatly", we How much will it cost to harvest? How can we know that it can be done for it, knowing that it can't be done? These problems are worthy of standing in the new era "entrance", we think about it...

Thinking can diverge, and thinking needs to be focused, focusing on thinking about its own new discoveries in its own industry. In the new era of 5G, outdoor advertising is the oldest form of advertising. Just like the many changes in the times that it has experienced in the past, it is necessary to continue to “make new trees” and “think” and “what” and “what”. Not for "...

In order to better present the ideas of thinking to the readers intuitively, the author interprets the “being” and “doing no” of outdoor advertising in the new era with five pairs of ten synonyms:





Let's talk a little bit from scratch:

Outdoor fixed led billboard for advertising can be personalized group promotion, can not be a "one-on-one" individualized push

We must first believe that no matter what era of science and technology advances, people still have to go out of their homes. The "off-home" attribute of Out of Home advertising determines which era has the attributes of a mass media role and a strong position.

The mass media role of Outdoor Fixed Led billboard for advertising determines that it cannot be “one-on-one” absolutely precise promotion to a single individual, while the strong location attribute allows it to be grouped to a group of the same personality (Character group).

Outdoor Fixed Led billboard

With technological innovation, the Internet's LBS positioning big data and mobile operator's GPS data can be applied to the outdoor traffic monitoring and personalized group portrait promotion, so that outdoor advertising can be relatively more accurate.


Outdoor Fixed Led billboard for advertising can realize the interactive communication of consumers participating in advertising, and can not achieve automatic push to the audience.

In the 5G era, “everything is media” allows the media to automatically push information according to the audience's attributes. This kind of “thousands of thousands of people” pushes the future to a large extent in our work and life. In the context.


Outdoor Fixed Led billboard



Outdoor Fixed Led billboard for advertising is in the urban public space, and its "one-to-many" communication method can't do the above automatic push in the first place, but in recent years, digital technology has intervened, so that more outdoor digital screens can be combined with creative content. The Involve interaction approach attracts people to become part of the communication and causes related interesting topics to trigger secondary transmission in the public. Digital outdoor advertising will involve more advanced interactive technologies in this direction, and more successful communication cases will be created in the future.

Outdoor Fixed Led billboard

Outdoor Fixed Led billboard for advertising should match the real environment to make more creative ideas, and should not use the virtual scene to "spoof" the audience.

Artificial intelligence and virtual technology in the 5G era can create everything we can imagine. It is expected that human society will enter an unprecedented virtual world. We will have a longer time than alive. In the world, more audiences will be willing to accept "deception" in the virtual world, which will be the choice of some people in the future.


Outdoor Fixed Led billboard

Of course, the more deception of society, the more valuable it will be. In the same way, the more the world is virtual, the more precious it will be. Looking into the future, outdoor advertising as a mass media in the real world will exert more creativity to match the reality of the environment (Environment match), attract people's attention in the real world, and earn the emotions of the masses in the real world.

Outdoor Fixed Led billboard


Outdoor Fixed Led billboard

Outdoor fixed led screen on advertising should pursue people who have the opportunity to see the advertisement, and should not only be satisfied with the audience to see the advertisement.

In the future society, with the rapid development of science and technology, there will be more and more intelligent terminals on people and homes. The space and time of the audience will be more dispersed than now, and the content will be more fragmented than the present. A lot of content for the audience is also a chance to see (Have a look), may not be impressed, of course, from the point of view of traffic monitoring, such a chance to see is already in contact with the audience.

Outdoor Fixed Led billboard

In contrast, Outdoor Fixed Led sign for advertising, especially large-screen advertising standing in the city's core landmarks, will be the largest and most eye-catching media terminal in the face of the audience. These large screens are accompanied by dynamic creative videos to attract visual effects. The audience sees (Impress on), it should be a good opportunity for Outdoor Fixed Led display on advertising in the future. However, the brand advertisements that have been plaguing the industry and unable to scientifically measure the outdoor have left a deep impression on the audience, and there must be a solution in the future.

Outdoor Fixed Led billboard

Outdoor Fixed Led video wall for advertising strives to connect with people in the mind and does not seek to programmatically attract traffic on a wit level.

The marketing communication of the future society is a process of rapid iteration of technology and extremely fragmentation of the audience. The more you do, the more you need to return to your source – making a fuss about your body and mind.

People who plan to spread must strive to connect with people on mind-link. To achieve this goal, we must first return the object of communication to a person—a natural person with mind and feelings, not those who are programmed to be witty (quick). -witted) Traffic on the level, not clicks, not boring, not robots.

Looking to the future, Outdoor fixed led billboard for advertising is to listen to the voices of the people we need to spread, to unite the people who need to spread, to be kind to the feelings of those who need to spread, to impress the hearts of those who need to spread, and only then can we harvest these people. The return of your brand communication.

Outdoor Fixed Led billboard

The times go far, the time is not resting... We have to do more than just think, but also inherit, learn, practice, act...


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