Small Pixel LED Display are in higher and higher market need

Small Pixel LED Display are in higher and higher market need


After years of development, the domestic LED display industry has entered a new stage of development for small pixel led display. From the initial extensive competition to the competition of comprehensive strength represented by capital and technology, the comprehensive strength of enterprises and the competitive factors of the brand are gradually strengthened. In addition, LED displays are gradually transitioning from commercial displays to consumer-grade displays.

In the LED display technology, the HD LED display technology is widely used in command and dispatch centers, video conferencing, information release, commercial display and other fields due to its seamless splicing, excellent image quality, and flexible application. With the government procurement drive of security, traffic control, military exercise and other small-pitch LED display to accelerate the replacement of traditional DLP display, the narrow pixel LED display market scale is growing at a high speed, occupying a high industry position.

Small pixel led display

Small pixel led display

Small pixel led display

According to the data, sales of fine pixel led display in mainland China increased by 64.1% year-on-year in 2018, which was higher than the 62.5% in 2017, reaching 6.84 billion yuan. According to the analysis of the LED Research Institute (GGII), the overall market space of LED small-pitch displays is 50 billion yuan, and there is huge room for growth in the future.

GGII analysts said that the small-pitch LED display has accelerated penetration in the Shangxian market. The mainstream small-pitch LED lamp beads have been shifted from P2.5 to P1.5, and continue to switch to greater density. The demand for lamp beads continues to increase while overseas. The small-pitch LED display market is beginning to exert its strength, and the future of small-pitch LED displays will continue to grow at a high speed.

Up to now, RGB display technology has become more and more mature, dot pitch has been shrinking, and RGB display has begun to enter the Mini RGB display ranks, and the application field is more extensive. In addition to the increasing penetration of the commercial display segment, it is also possible to enter the household sector, and the future market prospects are limitless.

Because of this, many packaging manufacturers began to intervene in RGB display packaging, and mega energy saving is one of the newcomers. It is understood that Zhaochi Energy has begun to deploy Mini LED technology in 2016 and has been involved in the display field. In mid-2018, its Mini RGB display device was officially mass-produced, and the products have been highly recognized by international manufacturers.

According to Zhou Bo, manager of Zhaochi Energy Research and Development Center, “As the company's key strategic layout, since the layout of Mini LED technology began in 2016, Zhaochi Energy has invested a lot of resources and achieved remarkable results. Up to now, the company has completed Mini RGB. Mass production of packaged devices has locked in high-, medium-, and low-order 3rd-order products, corresponding to P0.6, P0.7, and P0.9, respectively, enabling 4K display at 110-inch, 135-inch, and 162-inch."

Since the current dressing schemes on the market are generally concentrated on P0.9mm pixel pitch, and the Mini LED technology platform is not able to achieve a smaller pixel pitch. In response to this technical problem, Zhaochi Energy Co., Ltd. combined with the future application trend of Mini LED, established a technical route to develop smaller spacing in the domestic field and continued to deepen research on Mini RGB, based on the company's deep deposition in CSP flip-chip technology. Developed a flip-chip Mini LED. According to Zhou Bo, “The P0.6mm Mini RGB display package has been mass-produced. The product has performed well on the client-side and has better quality and visual effects than conventional products.”

Based on the above relatively independent technical route, Zhaochi Energy has invested in a new process for flip-chip Mini RGB packaging technology. Based on its solid process equipment technology foundation, it is based on the existing RGB product line body and the industry-leading. Suppliers conduct joint development (some key equipment is developed exclusively) and propose higher equipment performance indicators. It is reported that Zhaochi Energy has built a P0.6mm Mini RGB display package mass production line in the first stage, which comprehensively enhances the Mini RGB packaging process capability, providing a stable and reliable manufacturing base for high-quality, high-yield Mini RGB package devices. .

In order to promote the further development of the future Mini RGB display, Zhaochi Energy fully utilizes its own technological advantages, and jointly develops the technology and resource advantages of the supply chain to realize the rapid entry of Mini RGB package products into industrial mass production. Next, Zhaochi Energy will continue to deepen the Mini RGB display technology, maintain the technological growth of the Mini RGB display products, and fully support the realization of the future small pixel led display strategy.

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